Well, I’ve been seriously lazy about updating the website but here is the latest project- a 1985 BMW K100 with some later bodywork pieces. The owner wanted metallic orange similar to what Lamborghini uses and it really looks great. Digital cameras struggle with colors this rich but the front shot give you the best idea of the true color. The belly pan is sprayed with bed-liner coating and really looks like it is supposed to be that way. There were lots of cracked in the plastic and broken tabs that had be fixed- pretty standard for an almost 30 year old bike. Plus, it had been painted at least 4 different colors over the years so the prep works was a nightmare. The gas tank is Aluminum but actually had a corrosion hole in it that had to be repaired. All-in-all, it came out really nice. I think the owner is planning on getting the rims painted black at some point and we will probably put an orange rim stripe on for accent…