Well, I think I’ve decided to go in the direction of the Street Tracker that Airtech has on their site. The tail plastic on this bike is cracked and pretty beat up and the Street Tracker tail looks great so we will probably use it. But, I’m going to stick with the original gas tank and oil tank. Colors are still up in the air… I like the red/white/blue scheme (especially the red frame) but I may do something a little darker- perhaps black and gold with the Comstar wheels painted black with gold lips. Or vise versa. The engine will stay matte black no matter what color scheme is finally chosen. Stay tuned.
Yamaha R3 Retro Bodywork and Paint
The retro look is very popular with modern bikes as seen by the success of The Honda Monkey and many of Triumph’s bikes. So, it’s not surprising that there are retro body kits out there Read more…