Well, the bike is almost all in pieces. The wiring harness is a mess since the bike was raced and some of the wires were cut. I’m sourcing some original stuff and will have to make some. After the engine is out, the frame will be painted back in the original red, and the engine will be cleaned and painted with a matte black. The pipes are off and disassembled. Some of the internal baffles needed some brazing and the muffler cans will be polished out since they are aluminum. The foot peg brackets were pretty corroded so I bead blasted them and they look great- although the original finish was a polished/machined finish. Most of these bikes were modified from day 1, so I’m not trying to do a showroom original restoration, just something that looks period correct and keeps the personality of the bike.
1971 Honda Z50A K2 Restoration
One of the latest projects in the shop is the 71 Z50A we restored using as many of the original parts as possible. Often, these Z50’s are just rebuilt using all the reproduction parts available Read more…