So, I’ve been working on this 08 R6 that needed a complete repaint… It was originally blue but had been painted solid black after a crash- and done very poorly, probably by a car shop. I’ve found that while car shops will paint bikes for guys cheaper than someone like me, they always look like crap because they use big guns and skimp on the prep and detail work. So, this bike required a lot of sanding and hand prep to remove all the old paint. Then, after the filler and detail work, it had to be primed with an epoxy primer to seal it in preparation for the color coat. I’ll be putting the yellow base coat on later today and then a pearl on top or that before I do the black. It should be an awesome looking bike when it is done!
Yamaha R3 Retro Bodywork and Paint
The retro look is very popular with modern bikes as seen by the success of The Honda Monkey and many of Triumph’s bikes. So, it’s not surprising that there are retro body kits out there Read more…