Led by Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters, the DOT is proposing a new program to help reduce motorcycle crashes, injuries and fatalities. Peters is a rider herself, and knows what is at stake. So it is encouraging that these new initiatives are being filtered by someone who rides and not a bureaucrat who would rather just ban bike altogether. From the AMA-

  • Evaluating the results of the first comprehensive study into the causes of motorcycle crashes in more than 25 years, a study that has now received full financial support from the federal government and the motorcycle industry following years of work by the AMA.
  • Developing new national standards for entry-level motorcycle rider training that are expected to set a baseline for programs in all states.
  • Amending the federal motorcycle-helmet standard to address problems of false helmet-certification claims.
  • Distributing a brochure designed to offer guidance for highway officials and engineers looking to design, construct and maintain roadways for increased motorcycle safety.
  • Creating a training program designed to educate police on enforcement efforts to reduce motorcycle crashes.
  • Marketing a “Share the Road” campaign kit for use by states, local communities and motorcycle organizations.
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